Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Been tired...

OK, it's been a while since I wrote but a lot has gone on. Jamey and I got back from the reunion late Sunday night. I had to work Monday morning and then on Tuesday too. I survived by drinking a LOT of caffeine. :~)

The reunion went well. It was really nice to see Grandma again. I got to meet the rest of Jamey's Aunts and Uncles that I hadn't met yet. There were so many cousins there! :~) Jamey's dad is one of seven... Two of his brothers are no longer with us, but that makes a lot of family and even more cousins! There was also a lot of good food there! Yummy!

Jamey and I left right after lunch on Sunday. We went to church with Grandma. Grandma's church is the church where Jamey preached his first sermon. Jamey preached there the summer before his senior year of high school. His Dad came into Jamey's room one day and said that the church there didn't have a preacher and to guess who would be preaching there for a while... Jamey guessed his Dad. He was wrong! :~) So for the whole summer Jamey was the preacher for that congregation. So, Jamey got to preach there this past Sunday! :~) That was neat!

One of the highlights of the trip was getting to see some of the houses that Jamey lived in over the years. One of them was really small... Kinda like the one I grew up in. Then another one that was built kinda funny. Before we left GA we went to Washington, GA. Which is where Jamey spent his high school years. We got to see the high school he went to, the library where he had his first job, some other places where he spent time, the church where his Dad preached and the house they lived in. It was nice to be able to go down memory lane with Jamey... Even though they weren't my memories I enjoyed hearing his! :~)

Today was my day off. I slept till noon... Hey, I had to work when I got back and didn't get to have any down time! ;~) My day off, guess what I did? Cleaned house! What else, right? Yeah, figured since Jamey's family would be back from KY Friday around noon this would be the only time to really clean. Jamey has to take his sister to a colonoscopy tomorrow so that will most likely take the whole day, and I have to work so no cleaning then! Since the house is clean, now I'll relax! :~)