Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New Couch! :~D

Yesterday, Jamey was looking at an office chair for church at this new thrift store close to our house when he thought to look at the couches that they have there. Jamey's been wanting to get a new couch for a while, but we couldn't find one that we liked. He saw one that looked pretty good and it came with all of its pillows. Jamey came back to the house to get me so I could look at it... I liked it, and the price was right, so we went ahead and got it! :~)

Today Jamey and one of the guys from church went and got it... It took a little coercing to get the new couch in but it finally got in the house. I wiped it down with upholstery cleaner then washed the pillows in the washing machine... After I saw that the washing machine worked to wash the pillows I washed the couch cushion cover! :~) It worked really well!
Here are some pics of the new couch!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Two weeks till Christmas... :~o

The title says it all... Except for the screaming at the end of that sentence! :~) Yes, it's that time again when I wonder exactly where the year went and look forward to staring a new year in the face! I am really looking forward to seeing my family this New Years and to see what the new year brings. :~)

I've been proud of myself the last couple of nights... I spent on average 2 hours in the kitchen every evening fixing supper! Yes, I know I wasn't all that interested in cooking when I was home and to be honest haven't been very interested in it since I've been married! I don't know exactly what came over me, but I hope to keep it up! :~) I know that I've enjoyed having something different from the norm every night and I know that Jamey really has been liking the change in menu... The menu for this week was; Monday: Chicken Alfredo Stromboli, Tuesday: Lasagna, and yesterday I made Sweet and Sour Pork! Friday will be Chicken Cordon Bleu... I actually enjoy pretending I'm a chef and cooking up really yummy dinners... Who'd have guessed! :~)

Tonight we have a dinner with the church... They go out to eat every year around Christmas. It'll be nice to go out to eat. We haven't been out in a while... To eat anyway! :~) We're having dinner then going back to the church for a gift exchange and dessert! I'm making Chocolate delight... I think it's the same thing that Jamey's Mom makes every now and then with the four layers, but this one that I'm making just has a different name. It has a buttery crust with pecans in it, cream cheese and sugar on top of that, chocolate pudding, and whipped topping on top with pecans. Right now I'm waiting for the crust to cool! :~)

Jamey and I finally got Christmas pictures done! We're sending out Christmas cards this year and in them will be a picture and a letter... I've never done this before, but my Mommy has always done it and I think it's a great idea! :~)

Well, better go and finish that dessert... The crust should be done cooling! Before I go though, here are a few more pics of the house all decorated...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A rare glimpse into my brain... Be afraid!

OK, I admit... I've changed my views somewhat as I've aged. Something that I have on my brain right now is the question of clothing in Church. Now, I went to a Baptist church for Sunday school for about 9 years... I'm not a Baptist by any standards we just had some friends there since my sister and I both went to private school there for a few years. Now in that particular church you didn't come to church on Sunday morning in anything less than a shirt and tie if you're a guy or less than a shirt and skirt if you're a girl. You were told the dress code and expected to follow it. They had a VERY strict dress code...

This is how I grew up thinking that if you went to church you had on your best clothes... Nothing wrong with that at all. However, there was something inherently wrong with my attitude about it over the years. After a while of that I would look at the people that weren't dressed as nice as me and think they should have dressed better. I didn't realize at the time that my attitude towards these people was wrong.

Fast forward a few years... I met Jamey. At that point I had started to get to know the people behind the casual clothing, but still had those thoughts about dress. When I went down to Memphis to visit with Jamey and his family - I can't remember how it all happened - one Sunday night I wore my jeans to Sunday night service! I felt uncomfortable to be dressed so casual in church... To make a long story short, I realized after a while that while man does look on the outside which is why we should dress modestly... God doesn't. He looks on the inside and if I'm thinking about the person that I think should dress better to church and not giving God my all during service then the person dressed casual isn't the problem... I am.

Now I still dress up for Sunday morning service but my attitude is totally different. I no longer think that those people should dress better, as long as it's modest I'm just glad to see them at church! :~)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Pictures... Of Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is over... Well, we certainly won't run out of food for a while! :~) We had a really good Thanksgiving dinner. Jamey and I cooked Wednesday night, then I got up early to cook on Thursday. Jamey made some really good sweet potatoes and some very flaky crust for the pies! :~) I also tried my hand at rolls and they turned out alright. We had Turkey, gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, cream corn, rolls, green bean casserole, relish tray, cottage cheese salad, carrot and pineapple salad, cranberry salad, pumpkin pie and chocolate pie. After the food it was time for a little bit of a nap... Turkey will do that to you! :~) Later in the afternoon we went over to one of the church members house. They had invited us to come celebrate Thanksgiving with them! :~) We had fun and ate a little.

After the dinners we put up the Christmas tree. It was a lot of fun deciding where all the decorations were going to go... We have a 7 and a half foot fake tree in the living room! It's so pretty! :~) We put some icicle lights in the windows and a wreath on the door. Here are some pics of the decor... One of my favorite pics is the one with Munchkin! :~)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is in two days, but I don't think I'll have enough time to write anything with all the cooking that Jamey and I will be doing! :~) I can't wait! It'll be so fun to cook together and then devour it... :~P

Tomorrow we'll make the things that need to be cold... Then Thursday we will cook the rest of our feast! :~) It'll be different doing the holidays without any family around. I don't think I've ever done any major cooking for Thanksgiving... I did do some last year when we had it with Jamey's family.

Anyway, I need to go do some chores so the house will be clean for Thanksgiving! :~}

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pictures! :~)

I finally got the pictures to upload!! :~) Now you'll be able to see all the beautiful scenery and the colorful leaves!! :~) Just check out Photobucket!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Yes, I'm still here...

I know it's been awhile since I last wrote... We have been a little busy. Jamey did another wedding yesterday! It was a small affair and it was an outdoor wedding... It wouldn't have been so bad had it not been about 40 degrees outside at the time! :~o I was even wearing my warm dress and cape! Everyone was all bundled up and I was loosing feeling in my feet, but it was a lovely ceremony and it didn't last all that long. After the wedding we went to the reception which was inside... So we all warmed up! :~)

I have been trying to clean my house more regularly, but today I felt kinda lazy so I relaxed and did nothing... I was relaxing and watching a movie in our bedroom and when I came out there was Jamey cleaning the kitchen and doing the dishes! :~) He did that so I could relax today! I might be just a little biased ;~), but I think I have the best husband! :~D I also recently started to toilet train Munchkin... I can't wait until I don't have anymore litter to clean up! :~) Just in case you're curious I got the info I'm using from this website.

Jamey and I went on a trip up the mountains to enjoy the fall colors and I took my video camera with us... There are too many pictures to put up here so you can see them on Photobucket. The weather was just perfect and the trees were gorgeous! And the view from the mountains... The pictures just don't do it justice! :~) It was one of the last times that the leaves were actually on the trees! Anyway, we made a day out of it and it was one of the best times! :~) Right now the computer isn't doing what I want... Photobucket isn't letting me put the pics up right now. I'll try to put them in tomorrow! :~}

One last thing... If you want to see one of the cutest nephews in the world check out my sister's blog! :~D

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Jamey's Birthday!!! :~)

Well, with all this buzz about the election I totally forgot to post something about Jamey's birthday on here! :~o Since his birthday was Sunday and he had to work, we celebrated on Saturday! It worked out well, cause he was able to sleep in and relax. We got up about 10 am and started with the lemonade cake with candles! :~) Then it was present open time!! He helped me pick out a few of the presents, but I got one that he didn't know about... I went to Wal-mart and picked up the new Three Stooges DVD that's out now. I knew he wanted it, I wanted to have at least one present that he didn't know about! :~P There was one present that didn't come until about 3pm that day... It was the one that I had got from sniping a guy on e-Bay. I was hoping to wrap it, but it did come on Saturday so Jamey could play with it! :~D After that we just chilled. I made fried chicken, potatoes, peas, and biscuits for dinner. :~P We went to Wal-mart for a while then came home and watched a movie. :~)

There aren't as many pics as there might have been had I not had the video camera in my hand! I decided this was a good opportunity to use my birthday present... Yeah, I taped his birthday presents with my birthday present! :~} Oh, I posted some pics if you want to see pics from my birthday... There's not enough room on here for all these pics! :~)

Sunday was Jamey's actual birthday, but we had a lot going on and barely had any time to sit down... First there was service, then we went out to eat at Ryan's. After that we went home to relax a little before we had a wedding shower to go to and Jamey had a business meeting after that. And after all that was over there was evening service... So we were kinda busy that day and too busy to have done anything for Jamey's birthday! :~)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ode to Frank Mills

If there was one album that took me back through the years of my life it would be Frank Mills Sunday Morning Suite. I have very scattered memories... From doing chores to the music when I was little, to listening to it constantly when I was a young teenager on a Walkman. Most times the cassette tape would get lost and wouldn't be found for awhile... I'm sure it was just it's defense against being played to death! :~) But whenever we could find it, it generally got played at least once... Mostly by me, cause I loved it! I've been looking for that album for the last year and a half... Hoping to find it so I can listen and be taken back every now and then, also so I can share it with my kids. Yesterday Jamey went to a new thrift store and found it! :~D It's a record, so I can play it on Jamey's new record player (which I'm doing right now!). Someday soon hopefully Jamey will be able to put it on a CD so I won't wear out the record! :~}

Well, last time I wrote it was before my birthday! I had a really great birthday... Jamey got me balloons and he made me do a scavenger hunt for my presents! :~) That had to be the most fun. Other than the shopping of course! ;~) He made me a chocolate cake and gave me some candy... But the biggest present came in the form of a video camera! I love it! It's a small one and it's so cute, if such things can be called cute! I've used it a couple times, but the most it will get used is when we go and see family! After the presents were opened I got to go shopping and couldn't find a pair of trouser jeans anywhere until I went to Target. Those ones are nice... Then I went to Kohl's and found some. So now I have a couple pair... They're nice cause they look like straight leg jeans on me. After all my shopping we had a lovely dinner at Olive Garden. We had a gift card and decided to use it on my birthday.

I also got some fabric at Hancock's. It's a beautiful purple plaid and I made it into a jumper... However, when I wore it I stressed the seams! :~o So before I wear it again I'll have to take out the seams and add a strip of fabric to it so it won't rip on me! :~) I don't have a pic of it right now, but when I get done fixing it I'll be sure to take one.

Oh, if you want to see some of the cutest pics of the most adorable nephew... (I know, I'm bad) Just go to my sister's blog. There are too many now to be able to copy and paste onto my blog! :~) Not that I'm complaining about all the pics! :~)

Last Saturday we had a yard sale... Not a normal yard sale, it was in front of one of the local Wal-marts! Yep, Wal-mart and the Children's Health Network were selling spots in front of Wal-mart for whatever you wanted to put out there... We did a yard sale. There were a few spots that were just selling things they made and there was also a Pampered Chef table. They had food there too, the proceeds from that also went to the charity. It was pretty neat cause we had so many people stop and look around... I mean who doesn't go to Wal-mart? Sure it was kinda cloudy and drizzly, but we had quite a few people buy our stuff. Jamey sold all his stuff and I sold some of mine... Mine was all clothes anyway. What we didn't sell we took over to Goodwill. It was fun, we had to take Shorty with us and he got most of the attention!

This Sunday is Jamey's birthday. However, we will be doing stuff on Saturday so he can just chill. I tried hard to find the lemon cake mix for his cake... I don't know why stores don't have at least some sugar-free cake mixes! I was able to find it last year at a drug store, but this year I couldn't find it anywhere. I called every place I could think of that might have it, but no luck. Ordering it on-line would have cost a lot! Finally, I remembered one of the members at church makes the greatest cakes and sugar-free stuff you've ever had! So I called and asked if she had a sugar-free lemon cake recipe. She did and she gave it to me on Wednesday! YAY!!!! :~) I was so afraid that I wouldn't be able to make Jamey his Lemonade cake. Now I don't have to worry about finding a lemon cake mix ever again! Oh, and for those of you who have tried to make a cake sugar-free from a cake recipe that has sugar in it... Add 1/2 cup dry milk and 1/2 tsp baking soda for every cup of Splenda used and the cake will turn out fluffy. If you want anymore tips you can visit the Splenda site.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New Blog...

This will kinda be short and sweet cause we have church in about 5 minutes. Jamey has a new blog that is dedicated to being a Bible based blog. It's called Biblical Ramblings. I think it's really good, course I'm not biased at all! :~) I plan on writing more once all the crazy calms down... We've been having a lot going on since my birthday and will continue to be busy until at least next Monday! :~o

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The end of my sewing binge... For now! :~}

Yeah, until I get more fabric... Which I plan on getting for my birthday. And then I have to get back into the mood. The shirt I made using some leftover fabric from another shirt I made last year... It was a really easy pattern to make and I was done in a couple hours. The dress on the other hand was a little more difficult. It is a little like nylon in the fact that it gets runs in it very easy. I had to replace the front midriff in the middle of sewing the dress cause of a run in it... I wasn't that pleased about it but I managed to do it so it looked good. :~)

I was thinking about my piano and what the name on it is about... It's a Hobart M. Cable piano which I learned are known to be really good in the way of tune, also they are known to be incredibly heavy! Course Jamey already knows that! :~) I looked at the serial number and apparently this piano was made sometime in 1953! :~) I like to know about the things I have... Like where they came from and how old they are.

I'm starting to look forward to Monday... I wasn't too keen on having my birthday, but now I want to see my presents that Jamey got me! :~) This weekend we are going to a lectureship on Friday and on Saturday we are going to go sing at camp. Then Sunday we are having a couple from church over for dinner. So that means that I'm going to have to clean this house tomorrow! :~)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Piano!!!! :~D

The title really says it all... I just got a piano! :~) Some church members were kind enough to give us their piano that they didn't use. I'm very grateful! :~) I wrote a couple of posts ago that Jamey was looking to get me a piano... He mentioned that he was looking for one to this church member and they said that we could have theirs! :~) I've already played quite a few pieces on it... It's in tune! It weighs a LOT... So Jamey got some men from church to help him bring it here. Here are some pics of my new piano! :~) I got it all clean and bathed it in furniture polish so it shines!

Yesterday we thought that we would go get the piano, but didn't have the dolly to get it. Anyway, we had the guy that was going to help over for supper... I figured that was the least we could do. We had tacos! :~p I made the meat, rice and corn to go with it... I also made my own tortillas. My family came across a Mexican woman in Ohio that made her own and she showed us how to do it. It's not that hard... The only hard part is rolling them so they actually resemble a circle! Mine always end up looking like large amoebas! :~} Jamey really likes them! :~)

I sewed a little today, too. This fabric was easier to sew and it is thicker so I didn't have to line it. It looks like it's a velvet, but it's not... It's got a neat feel, but it's not like velvet. I still want to sew some more so I'll keep you posted on that. However, it'll be hard to concentrate on sewing for a few days cause I'll be playing my piano! :~)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Two shirts and a dress...

Here are a few pics of the stuff I've been working on this past week...

These two shirts are from the same pattern, but with different sleeves. The green one was easier to make cause the fabric wasn't as stretchy. If you look close you'll see that the gray one has little dots the color of the ribbon on it. Both top fabrics were very see through so I lined them with a corresponding color underneath. If you think sewing two stretchy fabrics together for a seam is hard... Try four! Yeah, I live on the edge!! :~)

Now, don't look directly at it... ;~} This is the best pic I could get of it... It actually looks better in person than in this picture. It has a cowl neck and a bow in the back. I joke I look like a giant polka dot! :~) Jamey said I don't look like a giant polka dot... I look like a lot of little polka dots! :~) As soon as it gets cooler I'll test it at church. I wore the green shirt to church tonight... I finished it today, so I was wearing it anyway! :~)

I plan on doing a little more sewing this next week. Two more shirts and another dress. I found this pretty purple fabric at Wal-mart and couldn't leave it... I love the Wal-marts here cause they still have the fabric section! :~) It's a nice heavier fabric, so I won't have to put something under it.

The rest of this week I'll spend cleaning. Trust me, my house needs it! :~) Then I plan on being busy on Saturday and having roast on Sunday!! :~p

Monday, September 29, 2008

Misc. Post... :~}

This is just a little check in... Nothing big has happened in the past week. The only thing that has been a constant is that during Monday through Friday of last week Jamey and I were both sick! Yeah, how exciting are we? :~) It was one of those nasty stomach bugs that hang on and on... It was good in a way cause it kept us indoors and away from anything that resembled spending money! :~)

This morning Jamey is off to Charlotte for a preachers meeting. It's a good way to meet more of the area preachers. Jamey is trying to get me something nice for my birthday. He didn't get one thing that he really wanted for me... A real piano! Isn't that just so sweet? I already have a keyboard but Jamey knows how much I'd love a real piano... :~)He saw on-line that there was a piano in good condition and here is the best part, it was free! :~O Unfortunately, someone else beat Jamey to it. I'll just have to wait on the piano for now. You know I would have liked the piano but it's really the thought that makes me smile! :~)

Yesterday was our pot luck at church... I made chili. I was counting on it being a little cooler than it actually was... It had been feeling like fall last week, but could it stay that way? NO! :~( I was talking to someone last night and they said that November might feel like fall! :~O Great, that will be the time I'll be thinking that there should be snow on the ground! :~p However, after visiting my family I'll probably be thankful for the warm weather.

This Saturday I'm planning a young adults get together... Planning is not something I'm incredibly good at, but I'll do my best! :~) We're going to eat at a really good seafood place then go bowling! I haven't been bowling since the first time Jamey came up to see me a year and a half ago! :~o There is this couple that is going to be going to Germany... The husband is in the military and they are going to be leaving around the 8th, so I wanted to do something before they left. Hopefully we'll all have a good time! :~)

I've started sewing and made a dress. I'll have a pic a little later. It's cute and it looks like some of the stuff that is out now... At least I think so! :~) Course my taste isn't the best! :~o I'm going to do some more sewing this week... So I can have more clothes, just what I need! :~} It's stretchy material so I was using a stretch stitch, but my needle was a little dull! I didn't realize it until I was half-way done and furious at the machine cause it was causing holes in the fabric every now and then. After I figured out that was the problem it was a piece of cake to finish. :~} I have one more dress and two tops that I want to finish... :~)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Yay! A video! :~)

I must say that Jamey is a genius! He fixed this video and made it able to be uploaded onto Blogger! I took this a day or so after I wrote about Munchkin and the frog. She dragged the frog into the living room and I grabbed our camera! Our camera is cool in the fact that it can take video too! It can't do sound... At one point in the video Munchkin is meowing, but you can't hear it. It's a downside, but hay, at least it takes the video! This is a few minutes long... You don't have to watch it all, just the first minute or so and you get the idea.

I forgot to tell you about what Jamey did for me a few days ago. :~) I was feeling blah and didn't have a good idea for supper. Anyway, he offered to make supper... He got some steak along with salad and made biscuits and also made some corn. He even got me some beautiful flowers! :~) Aren't they pretty? He also got me some cheesecake! :~p I got a pretty amazing guy! :~) He is so sweet to me! :~) Anyway, my supper coordinating skills are still fairly bad, so if any of you know a good recipe I'd love to try it out! :~)

Tonight we went to the Mauldin Fest... Kinda like a small fair. Just a lot of vendors and people with booths. Then there was a few kid rides... And of course what fest would be complete without a guy that gets lifted into the air by balloons! WHAT? Yeah, we got to see that! This was his first appearance in SC... So that was neat but the balloons, now those were pretty impressive. Those balloons were HUGE! It took $5,000 worth of helium to fill those balloons! I've never seen anything like it! I have some pics, but they are on my cell phone and I can't get them on the computer... However, with the magic of the computer age... A way to see it! They also had a hot air balloon to follow him to make sure he got down OK. Last time I saw they were heading into the sunset! :~) That was definitely something you don't see everyday!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm Back... And I wrote a Lot!

I got to drive all the way up to Greensboro NC yesterday... A three hour trip that is tedious in and of itself. This trip however, was made even more difficult with inclement weather. About an hour into the trip I had to slow down to 50 in order to see things ahead of me... It really didn't worry me as this was the kind of weather that I drove going from Memphis to Nashville when we were moving... That and I had the constant spray from the moving truck that Jamey was driving in front of me. Anyway, I focused on the car in front of me... We made it in the time we figured and the trip back was uneventful.

I love to drive but I don't like to drive in nasty weather when not everyone has their headlights on! Not only is it kind of silly not to put them on but it's dangerous. I could barely see the road let alone the cars that actually had their lights on. I'm glad I was able to do it though cause it gave me some experience... Now the only weather I have to conquer is snow! I'm a little wary of that though as the last time I tried to drive in new snow I almost hit a stop sign! :~O

Alright enough about me... I'm not going to write a lot about my nephew as my sister has put more pics of the little guy up on her blog and I don't want to take away from her blog. That being said I can now dispense with the gushing! :~) Of course I'm not biased in any way ;~) but I have to say that he is one of the cutest babies that I've seen! I can't wait to see him in December! He looks like he is getting bigger every day... And he might have a little bit of blond hair.

Munchkin is out and about today. I've been keeping her in the bathroom at night so that nothing will get broken at night! :~) She meows for me a lot. She is very personable for a cat, course we never had indoor cats in Ohio. She seems to have taken to a frog I got at Claire's recently. She plays with it and drags it places she goes. I'll try to get pics of that but it might be hard, the only evidence that I know she has been playing with it is it's conspicuous presence in other parts of the house! :~) Right now she is dragging it like it's her kitten.

Shorty is finally figuring out that he has to bark to go outside and that outside is the only place to go to the bathroom. It won't be long before he can be out all day! :~) He's growing a lot. He's now up to around 12 pounds... He won't get too much bigger.

Birthday season is upon us. What I mean is this... My brother Ira started it by having his birthday this past Sunday. I'm the next in line with a birthday in October, then comes Philip in November and to close out the year is Sarah in December. Lydia's is in March so by next spring we will all be another year older. I'm not looking forward to mine this year for some reason. I'll be turning 24 and for some reason that sounds old to me. I'm no longer in my early 20s I'm in my mid 20s. Oh well, time marches on! :~)

One last thing before I give your eyes a rest... I didn't mean to make this so long, but I'm glad I got back to actually writing something longer than a post-it note! :~) The gospel meeting here went very well. Jamey preached on the different things we do in worship. Sunday morning was Communion and Jesus' death on the cross. Sunday night was prayer. Monday night was singing and Tuesday night was giving. Quite a few people from the neighboring congregations came and Tuesday night we had 80 people. :~) Everyone thought that Jamey did an exceptional job!

I still have that sewing to do... I plan on working on it this month and having it done by the time my birthday rolls around. Kinda like a birthday present to myself! :~) I picked out 2 shirts and 2 dresses for the colder weather. Tomorrow I have to clean... Jamey doesn't care whether or not it's really clean but I always feel really good when the house is spotless! :~)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Ahhh... The weekend!

I think I'm over my blahs, I think it had something to do with the hurricanes that are coming through... i.e. The headaches and nasty weather. Jamey loves a nice drizzly day, but when you are from a state that comes third as the cloudiest state you look for the sun shine... So the days that are overcast and rainy are considered normal and oh so nasty! :~)

One of the things that helped the blahs is the fact that I have beautiful purple morning glories on one of the bushes outside!! :~) This is the best I could do with a picture... They were all hiding behind the leaves. They have since gotten more flowers, but aren't they just so pretty? :~) Another thing that might have helped with the blahs is the fact that I got my house all clean and I got to go up to Charlotte NC to take one of the church members to her doctor. I always enjoy a long car ride with good company! :~) In the middle of the month I'll be going up to Greensboro NC to take her to a different doctor and it will be a longer trip... :~)

Jamey's cousin Seth got here about 8pm last Thursday night and stayed through the weekend. It was nice to have someone over. We had a good time just chillin' here and going out doing stuff. We went to the park right near our house and played mini-golf and went to a few stores that were geared for the gamer in you. :~)

Here's a random picture of Munchkin... She loves to be on the sink or counter or dresser or anything that is up high and she's not supposed to be! :~} She is allowed to be on the sink in the bathroom and on my dresser, but she likes to knock things over... Yesterday she knocked over the mirror in my sewing room. Luckily, it didn't break but it scared her silly! I've never seen her fur stand that high before! :~) Anyway, she likes to be up in the sink when I'm washing my hands or in this case putting my makeup on! :~) She loves to lick my nose, so I don't even know why I put makeup on my nose anymore! :~)
Today we've been putting out fliers for our upcoming gospel meeting. I thought it might be cooler! It is September, right? Oh well, we survived... Sometime later in the week maybe I'll start sewing again. I got some patterns for long sleeved shirts and dresses... Some for $2 and some for $1 and am looking forward to making them and actually having more than 2 winter dresses! :~) Don't worry, when I get them finished I will post pictures! ;~)
For whatever reason the computer won't put this sentence and the last paragraph the proper space from the previous paragraphs... Ugh, computers! :~}

Sunday, August 24, 2008

More pics... :~)

I'm feeling a little blah right now... Again! :~p The tropical storm is giving me a headache and I found out the other day that we aren't going to get any kind of rainfall from it! :~O We need rain too.

I got some itch stuff, cause I now know the joy of having a lot of fire ant bites. I got them while helping pull weeds over at the church building... I didn't have gloves, I don't really like them, you can't seem to get the weeds out as well. Now I'll wear them! :~}

Jamey's cousin Seth is coming over this Thursday and probably staying till the weekend... We are also going to have Monday football at our house tomorrow, so I have to tidy up the place a bit. :~} Well, since I have that I might not get on here for a few days...

So here are more pics of little Xander to show off! :~) I tried to talk to my Mommy tonight but they went down to Rising Sun, IN to see him! :~) I wish I could go... My time will come! ;~)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Pictures!!!! :~D

Yep, they're home from the hospital and my sister sent these...

Isn't he cute? I know I'm just a little biased but come on, that face is adorable! :~) The first family picture! :~)

Don't you love how peaceful he looks... And how about that yellow hat? :~)