Friday, June 29, 2007

The name is Percy and I have a license... to drive!

Yes, the long two year wait for my license is FINALLY over! So now the city of Memphis is no longer safe. Yes, the sidewalks will have to be cleared! :~) I was nervous as anything getting this, but tried hard not to let it show. Unfortunately, that resolve did not last long. May I say one thing... Can't white people get jobs working for the city? Talk about feeling a little out of place! I was the whitest person in there! Well, I'm usually the whitest person anywhere I go, but that's not the point. Oh, and you would think that the city doesn't get any money the way they price the licenses. I thought that maybe, just maybe, a 20 would do it. You'd think right? NOOO... 26.50 I had to pay for that lovely piece of plastic. My age didn't come into the equation at all, except for the weird looks I got when I told them I wanted my license and that I was 22!

Then came the fun part, the actual test. My test person looked like she could make the army run for cover, then fail them on their test. Jamey asked me if I joked at all with her, I said no. I was too nervous to do anything but drive. I was so nervous when she told me to put my right blinker on I put on my left one, twice! Well, she didn't fail me for that. The test was insultingly easy. I mean come on, I just had to drive in basically a giant circle. On the road of course and it wasn't really a circle, but more of a square. But there was no cones and no backing up, except for what I had to do to get out of the parking space. No wonder Memphis drivers are so bad. I'm sorry but when a test fails to test me, that's pretty bad. Oh well, at least I finally got it right? :~) Now the world (or at least Memphis) will have to bow to my driving will whenever I have the car! (evil laughter inserted here)

Monday night baseball was very interesting and fun, if you were routing for the other team. Don't get me wrong, the Redbirds did not disappoint me, I expected them to lose. Hoping for a win, but they were playing a team that was on the top and they were on the bottom. But they only lost by 3 points, so it wasn't that bad. That and the fact Jamey likes to go to a ball game regardless if his team wins or not.

Wed. night Jason, Jamey and I went to Jackson to church. They have an old college friend that goes to that church, so we decided to go there. That was fun for them and I got to meet yet another goofy person that went to Freed. Jason and Jamey totally enjoyed themselves. I had fun too, but they really had a time. Oh and Scott, the guy we went to see, didn't know that Jamey had gotten married. That was fun telling him. :~)

Not that I really mind Jason being here, but his car broke down and he thought that he was just going to need a place for a few nights. It has since turned into a week long visit. It's not Jason's fault that the car mechanic decided to fix everyone else's car first, even the ones that came in after his. And that's not even the worst part, the mechanic is going on vacation next week! So Jason probably will be out of transportation for another two weeks! Since Sarah and Danny will be coming in a week, Jason will be staying with a preacher from our church. I like Jason and all, but have gotten used to him not being here. I know that sounds bad, but it's true. Anyway, I hope that he will get his car back soon.

Since I'm going to be in Nashville for the weekend I decided to fix up my nails. Yes, they're fake ones. Aren't they pretty though? I got them before I got married, and haven't really had the right occasion to wear them. I figured that going to see a lot of reality stars and the fact that I will be a VIP, I might as well have nice nails! :~) They weren't that hard to put on... My skin didn't stick to itself that much! :~)

One more thing before I go and forget to pack something important for our trip... Mommy, you know what I mean! Well, I went on Jamey's blog and found that he got himself a rating for it... so I had to do that for this blog. And apparently, this blog is not safe to let your children view by themselves! :~O Horrors, I got a PG rating! How will I cope, how can I look myself in the mirror again? Easy, trust me. :~)

Well, I've put off packing long enough. Jamey went to work early so we could get started earlier. Don't worry, I'll take lots of pictures! Nashville beware!! ;~)

Monday, June 25, 2007

The Yeti Lives! : - p

Ok, getting back in the swing of things and getting a post out when I said I would. :~)

Saturday was a blast! It started off innocently enough... being lazy and watching tv all morning, then it started! At 6pm we went to the Adam's house where five ladies had already gathered, the birthday girl and some friends and a couple of sisters. We left the men at the house to discuss daily living and devour whatever was being grilled. The ladies went in two cars and descended on Memphis, or more specifically, Peabody Place. We went cause there was glow-in-the-dark mini-golf there. Ahh, the joys of mini-golf! I haven't played mini-golf in a while and my family can attest that I'm not all that great at it. However, at this particular place I did exceptionally well. I got second. And the one that got won the game played mini-golf more often than I did! Yeah, I was impressed! After that rousing game, we went to Big Foots and had some dessert. We thought we would be in and out of there in no time, but the waiters had other plans. It took a good half hour to get us seated and then another half hour to get our dessert. The only way we got to order when we did was because we cornered our waiter into it. He was getting us drinks and was about to turn away without asking us if we were ready to order when the birthday girl says in a loud voice "We want the Yeti!" The Yeti is a mountain of ice cream, about 4lbs, topped with all sorts of stuff. I had ordered a Nanaimo bar ( I think that's the way you spell it ) also. It was a Canadian dessert so I had to try it. I had all the scoops that I paid for and the bar, so by the time we got done I was pretty well sugared up! We got back to the house where the guys were still hanging at 11pm. It was a lot of fun having a ladies night out, and I don't think that I will want ice cream any time soon! :~)

Sunday Jason's car broke down and he's staying with us for a couple days till he can get it fixed. So the three of us went out to a movie last night and had a good time.

Tonight Jason, Jamey and I are going to go to a baseball game. That should be fun unless the Redbirds lose. Oh well, we'll see.

Thursday if all goes well I will become a licensed Tennessee driver!! :~) Then Fri. Jamey and I will be leaving for Nashville and fun at the Reality TV Convention! :~)

Friday, June 22, 2007

Wake up and smell the coffee...

Well, first off I have to say sorry. I didn't post last Friday or Monday. I had an excuse for Fri., Mon. I was just lazy. :~) Fri. I spent all day at the hospital with my in-laws because my father-in-law was having heart surgery. They ended up putting two stints in, and kept him overnight.

Father's day weekend was uneventful. Saturday, Jamey and I ran errands and went shopping... at the GoodWill. At the GoodWill here they have a separate store for things that you basically pay nothing for. Jamey and I got quite a few items for under $3! Yeah, I like that part of it. After we were done with that, we watched movies and did nothing for the rest of the day. One of the two lazy Saturdays we will have before the big Reality TV Convention... :~) Oh, and in fact the people from CMT will be at the convention! Sooo... I might end up on TV along with Jamey. Yes, maybe my tv debut! Well, it might not be that spectacular, but you never know.

Sunday, we went to Jamey's parents for dinner. Jamey preached for his father because of the heart surgery. He does a really good job preaching. :~) Nothing big happened this day either... What can I say, we're kinda boring sometimes! :~P

Monday, however was not boring. We had invitations to go to Taylor's 4th birthday party! I had no idea what it would be like... I was in for a surprise! They had the party at Pump it Up. It was a party place with giant blow up slides, obstacle courses, and of course just ones you could jump in. I'm not sure who had the most fun at this party: the children or the adults, who for one night went back in time and were kids again... that is until after all the jumping and pummelling their battered and bruised bodies said "Enough, you old coot!" Ahh, the joys of wanting to be childlike again and your body rebelling with every fiber! :~) And yes, there was also sweat in large quantities...

After the romping, came the cake and gifts part of the party. Trust me, ALL the adults needed the sugar to keep them from dropping at this point. Jamey and I were one of the only couples there that didn't have kids... and it showed! We asked Taylor what she wanted for her birthday and went out and got it. At first, I thought it was a good idea. Then as all the other presents were opened, I became very aware that our gift of princess glitter and lip gloss might be frowned upon by the group of parents around us not to mention Taylor's parents. Oops! Mark it up to experience and move on.

The rest of the week up until yesterday went by uneventful. Yesterday Jamey and I got up at 6am (ok those of you who are in shock take deep breaths) to go walking. It helped get us up and it made getting ready to go to work for Jamey a lot less stressful and rushed. We plan on doing this everyday, except for weekends. We take about half an hour to walk, and hopefully by the end of the summer we will have something to show for it.

This morning after our walk, I wanted some coffee. So, I brewed some. As I was brewing the coffee I remembered the first time I made coffee like that, at McD's. I had the filter in my hand and was thinking "What is this and what do I do with it?" My coffee turned out a little weak, but I'll try again soon. It's not half bad with lots of sugar and a little milk in it. :~)

Tomorrow, I'm going to go out with some of the ladies at church that are around my age. One of them is having a birthday and they want to celebrate with mini-golf and dessert. Should be fun! :~)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Superman Festival! : -)

I'm still trying to recuperate from Saturday. Don't get me wrong, it was amazing to go to Metropolis and see all the Superman memorabilia (not to mention the famous people that were there) it's just that we were exhausted when we got back home.

Fri. night Jamey was looking around for things to get signed at the Festival and knocked a yearbook of his from '91 out of the closet. I picked it up and found him in it, then got mine from '91 and put them side by side. He was in 9th grade and I was in Kindergarten. He l
ooked at them and thought we both looked cute. He took another look when I told him "No, they're from the same year." He was slightly disturbed by the fact he was in high school when I was just starting school.

Saturday Jamey and I
got up at the crack of dawn, which to me means 9 am. We got up at 6 am, and were on the road half an hour later! I didn't know I could get ready that quickly that early in the morning! One side note, I guess I really was the only chipper McD's worker when I went in at 6. Goodness, can I get any good service that early in the morning without having to do it myself? And apparently the workers have a hard time with comprehension that early. Can you say "Can I get more cream for my coffee" and in ANY way hear "I want more sugar?" Not only did she not give me more cream, she argued with me about it! Hmm... I don't want to sound mean, but I have been in that position and I never was that rude. People! Ugh!

After that lovely stop, we drove for about 3 hours before we made it to the Festival. I stopped counting the Superman costumed people and people dressed like other Superheros. It was fun, but if you got in trouble you would be trampled by all the Supermen trying to help. :~) The first stop we made in Metropolis was to see and get the autograph of Noel Neill, the Lois Lane in the 1950's Superman series. She was the sweetest lady. I tried not to hug her too tight cause I was afraid that she would brake. Then it was on to get autographs from the artist who drew the pictures for the comic books. Is it me or is it rude to stand there and talk and have the artist draw something for you when there are quite a few people in line behind you? No, it's rude. Don't even get me started on the lines... We waited in line for an hour and a half to get autographs! However, you meet some nice people in line. There was a nice older couple on their way to NY, and a young man that was a slight Superman fanatic. Talking to them made the time go by faster.

They had a Q&A session. That was quite informative... They had Noel Neill, Helen Slater (Supergirl) and Jerry Maren on the panel for that. I didn't know who exactly Jerry Maren was until they mentioned Wizard of Oz. Yes, I was in the presence of a Munchkin! He was the green suited Munchkin in the Lollipop guild that handed Dorothy the lollipop! WOW! He also played a mole man from Superman and the Mole Man. Course knowing that didn't have nearly the same effect that knowing he was a Munchkin did.

The Superman muse
um was something else. They had almost the entire set from the 50's series newspaper room! Not to mention a ton of Superman costumes from the movies and TV series, also numerous Superman toys from different eras.

We had a really good time. On our way home we stopped and ate supper with Jamey's parents.

Sunday we just went to church and napped the entire day! :~) So, we had ourselves a good weekend.

If you want to see all the pictures go to
key word jdpriscilla.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Stupid pill bugs...

Ok, first the aggravation of the day... Pill bugs!! The little annoying creatures seem to have taken up residence in my kitchen, more specifically my kitchen floor. I have no qualms with the bugs if they are outside, but when they insist on living in my house... it's war! I have stepped on numerous amounts of these bugs and still they keep coming. You'd think that they would see their fallen comrades and think, "Maybe we should think about moving." Ugh! Oh well, maybe they just don't have brains big enough to think that. I know that the ones I've stepped on haven't got the guts to do anything anymore! :~)

Well, now that that's out of the way...

Pretty simple week, Tues. I went with the older ladies and took flowers and food baskets to visitors of our church. I really enjoy doing this... When Miss Frances brought me home I asked her and Miss Sally (the other lady I went with) in to see the old singer sewing machine. They thought it looked more like an older model that had been converted into electric. Hmm... I went online to see about this and it might just be possible. They also got a big kick out of seeing the 1933 Lane Bryant catalog I have that was my grandmother's.

Wednesday after Church, Jamey, Jason and I went to see about apartments. It was too late to actually go in and view them, but we got to see what kind of neighborhood they were in. So far out of the few good ones that Jamey found there was only one that looked worthy of a second look. The reason we are looking for apartments is because the rent on the one we're living in now went up. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't just Jamey's income paying it. As it is now I can't get a job yet... no transportation. This new apartment is alot cheaper than the one we have now and it looks a little nicer too. Well, we'll have to see what happens with it.

Thursday was Bible class. Alex, one of the men that goes to class, is Greek Orthodox. He visited Sunday and stayed for dinner. I greeted him and introduced Jamey to him. He is from Greece and knows five languages. Anyway, since he visited we went and gave him flowers and a basket Tues. His son took them cause Alex wasn't home and got our names. He said Thurs. that when he got home, his son told him some ladies stopped and gave him flowers. He was slightly confused until the son mentioned names and he recognized my name as being one of the ladies from Thurs. class! Wow, am I that memorable? Maybe it's just my name is kinda rare. I'd like to think it was that I'm quite unforgettable! :~) He's a sweet man and has been talking to George after class, so maybe he will start coming regularly on Sunday!

After class I asked Miss Frances if she wouldn't mind stopping at Kroger. It's on the way back to my house anyway. I had to get some pantry items that were getting low, so she took me. That was
soooo much fun going shopping kinda by myself. I had $10 in my purse so I had to just get the things on my list. Well, I followed the list up until I saw blueberries on sale. Now, I hate and loath the blue nasties however, Jamey loves them so I thought I'd pick them up and surprise him. I also got ingredients for a homemade potpie that I thought I'd make for supper that night. Jamey informed me when I got home that he had a doctors appointment at 4 pm, so I decided to scrap that idea for supper. I'll make it tonight! :~P

If you're terminally ill, you could die in the waiting room before the doctor sees you. It took an hour for the doctor to see Jamey. His appointment was for 4 and we didn't see the doctor till 5. It didn't help that this time in the room there was a VERY annoying man with his bratty child. Oh, that was fun spending almost an hour listening to them go at it! Someone give me knock out drugs so I don't have to sit here and listen to this! All we needed was a refill on the prescription and it took an hour and a half. Since it was 5:30 and we were both hungry, so we went and got fastfood. Yummy... Church's Chicken has corn nuggets, the best thing on the planet!

The weather outside is dark, damp and thundery. A lovely Memphis afternoon. Hey, I had to do something to keep my mind off the thunderstorm outside.

I have seen the cat that has been living in the shed three days in a row now. That cat must have an aversion to milk, because I put milk out for it and it didn't even look at it! Oh well, if it doesn't want my help... we might be moving soon anyway.

Well, that's my week so far. Jamey and I are going to go to the Superman festival tomorrow. That will be fun, we haven't done anything just the two of us for a while. :~)

Monday, June 4, 2007

Ahh... a relaxing weekend

Let's see... another post, another weekend. Yup, that about covers it... Oh, you want details? :~)

If I remember correctly I mentioned that Jamey and I were going to see a baseball game and fireworks, so let me start there.

The only thing that made the game worth going to was the fireworks. I'm not saying it was boring, just disappointing. We got to sit right next to home plate and I have to say, it was a lot more interesting from that view. However, it just meant that Jamey and I got to have a clear view of the Memphis Redbirds getting bird flu and falling out of the sky. The one and only run made by the Redbirds that night was a home run at the end of the game! It wouldn't have been so bad, they would have been tied with the other team at that point. Unfortunately, the Redbirds had laid down and died in the previous inning. I'm not talking natural death, I'm talking crash and burn death! They let the other team score 6 runs! Bummer. I love going to ball games with Jamey cause he is so animated. :~) He was telling them his opinions from his seat. So cute!

After the disappointing loss, the fireworks started. We went to the bluff to watch the sparkles, that way we could lay down and watch. They put on quite a show for us. It was mostly done to Disney songs, cause it was a Christian daycare that put the fireworks on. I was smiling a lot and had a lot of fun. I haven't seen fireworks that close ever! :~)

Saturday, we went to the bank to try to get me on the account and also get me a debit card. Jamey's still a little wary about me and plastic! :~) We needed to get that done so I can get a drivers license. Anyway, we had tried it before and got the "You don't have the Marriage license that we need to complete this." So, after about three weeks we finally got the license (it was in a county that's about an hour away) and headed over to get this done. The person that told us that the first time must not have wanted to do their job, cause the lady that helped us this time didn't even ask about the license! It was quick and painless. Ugh! If only we had gotten this lady the first time! Well, at least that nightmare is over, now for the drivers license nightmare! :~)

The Church was having a picnic Sat., so we went to that. It's so encouraging to go to those things and have fun with Christians. They had a water slide... NOOO! I didn't bring the appropriate gear for that and was kinda bummed. Jamey then said he'd take me to a water park sometime this summer and that made it better! :~) Yes, I'm spoiled! We had to bring something, so I took sugar-free Death by Chocolate. It didn't last long. Not that the church has a lot of diabetics it's just that most of the kids didn't realize it was sugar-free. I was kinda looking forward to having leftovers of that. Oh well, I'll just have to suffer! :~) They also had a 4 wheeler there. Jamey and I got to do that after the supper had settled. Jamey had fun driving that thing... He made me scream a couple times. He liked that! :~) The only problem with 4 wheelers is they get dust everywhere! I looked like my living room right now, in need of a good dusting.

After the excitement Fri. and Sat. we decided to just lay around Sun. This Sun. they had a potluck, but it was catered! Yep, no one had to bring anything. That was nice. After that we had devotion and one of the little girls decided to adopt Jamey and me. It was so neat to have a little kid want to sit with us for church! :~) We were invited to a birthday party for another little girl in the congregation for later in the month, so after church Jamey and I went to Toys"R"Us. Now Jamey likes Transformers and has a collection of them. We walked into the store and right in front of us was this wall of Transformer items... Jamey was in heaven! :~) Needless to say, we stayed in that spot for a while. After wandering around the store, we managed to find a present for the party and only one of the Transformers came with us. After that outing, we just stayed home and enjoyed the rest of the day.

This next Sat. we are planning to go to the Superman festival in Illinois. That should be fun... or should I say Super? Yeah, that was bad but I couldn't resist! :~) Well, that was my weekend. Now to actually go and do some of the stuff that was neglected, like chores!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Fun and Family : - )

Well, I finally got the travel lag under control and it's time to get those pics out so you can see them. Ok, the first ones are of my family. Any wacky behavior I have I got from these guys... :~) First, of course is my Daddy. It's a fact, if I hadn't been so hard to raise my Dad might still have some hair... Up next is my Mommy. I couldn't get a very good shot of her, cause she was busy putting the finishing touches on the reception. I'm surprised that she still has her mind, all that planning for that party was hard on her. Then comes the ones that at times were my best friends and at times were the evil siblings...
<--Sarah, my oldest sister, was the one that I looked up to and at the same time drove me crazy when she expected me to be just like her.
Under Sarah is Danny, her fiance.

--> Lydia, the youngest, is probably the coolest one of us. She was so cool, she wouldn't let me get a good shot. The camera didn't meet the cool standards.

And then there are the odd ones that I helped shape into the well-adjusted adults they are now... :~)

<--First is the oldest of the brothers, Ira. He is next in line after me. Sometimes I hate to admit, the conscience that I didn't have at times and the one that kept me sane. Thanks Ira!

--> And of course my baby brother, Philip. He has grown into a very mature young man, which to me is very shocking. I remember him as the little kid with a lisp and cardboard guns with tape everywhere. You know what I'm talking about Philip! :~)

And I had to put my sweetheart in here. Isn't he cute? :~) He has everything I had been looking for in a man. Did I mention he's cute?

When we were up there I had to go wish these folks a happy anniversary. They live in the nursing home I worked at before I got married. They are more like great-grandparents than just friends. They have been married 74 years! That concludes the family and friends shots, now for the reception pics... The two cakes!

Guests... :~)

Here's the happy couple and the cutting of the cake!

Ok, I couldn't help myself. I only get to do this once and I couldn't resist putting cake up his nose! :~) Don't worry he got me back!-->

That's it for the pictures on my blog... if somehow you haven't gotten bored with all these pics and want to see a few more go to key word jdpriscilla.

I had a really good time with my family, and I'm saddened a little by the fact I won't get to see all of them until Thanksgiving. Well, that will give them time to recover after this visit! :~)

Hopefully, if the weather holds, tonight Jamey and I will be going to see a baseball game that will have fireworks after! I love Memphis!!