Thursday, April 16, 2009

Yay more blog posts!

Hi! I know it's been a while since I really blogged. I have been trying to find some sort of job and trying to do some classes on English. I've spent all my life trying to avoid grammar, but now it's coming back to bite me in the butt! :~) I don't mind too much, it's just some of those questions on the course. You'd think that speaking English would be enough. Oh, well! :~)

I've been trying to get into some sort of shape lately... And I don't mean round! :~) I've been trying to walk for an hour every night to try to get rid of those pesky pounds that have decided to take up residence on my thighs! It's been working. I've been doing it for about half a month now... I also just started to do some sit ups and push ups to tone a little. I hope to keep this up and then maybe lose those pounds that I've been putting on for the past year!! :~o

Today has been a slow day. It's something that I don't like to do a lot... Which is just stay home and do nothing. Usually I like to be doing something or going somewhere. But today, I don't know, I just want to relax.

I'll do more to post on here more regularly... I'm getting more used to the change of address, which means that I'll feel more like doing things that I enjoy. I wish it didn't take this long to get used to a change... But I'm weird like that! ;~)