Thursday, April 23, 2009


I know that my posting has been lack luster at best lately... I don't know, maybe it's the stress of trying to find a job accompanied by the need to get the English training done. Maybe I'm just having a bad day! :~) Could happen!

Today Jamey and I went to see about a job at Krystal's (fast food for those of you who don't know what it is). Jamey got asked to come back, but they didn't have any applications for me... Oh, well! Tomorrow I'm going to try to see about the McD's around here. That should be interesting working in that kind of environment again! :~}

After that Jamey and I stayed in Memphis for a little while longer. We went to some places that we went before we moved and some new ones... It was fun being back in Memphis. I didn't realize this before, but I kinda miss it. I guess I always will have fond memories of this place since this is where my first home was after getting married.

I hope we will have that kind of attachment in China! I'm looking forward to it... I know it will be something totally different than what I'm used to, but I think we all need that sometimes! :~)

I'll do my best to keep you up to date on the job search and how we're doing. Oh, a little brag here... I passed my first assignment with the English as a Second Language course!!!! :~D I needed a 16 to pass and I got a 17! I'll try to do better with this next one, but I'm happy with the results so far! :~) Besides, they had some pretty hard questions in that first one!

Well, I should probably get some sleep so I can face the new day with a smile! :~)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Yay more blog posts!

Hi! I know it's been a while since I really blogged. I have been trying to find some sort of job and trying to do some classes on English. I've spent all my life trying to avoid grammar, but now it's coming back to bite me in the butt! :~) I don't mind too much, it's just some of those questions on the course. You'd think that speaking English would be enough. Oh, well! :~)

I've been trying to get into some sort of shape lately... And I don't mean round! :~) I've been trying to walk for an hour every night to try to get rid of those pesky pounds that have decided to take up residence on my thighs! It's been working. I've been doing it for about half a month now... I also just started to do some sit ups and push ups to tone a little. I hope to keep this up and then maybe lose those pounds that I've been putting on for the past year!! :~o

Today has been a slow day. It's something that I don't like to do a lot... Which is just stay home and do nothing. Usually I like to be doing something or going somewhere. But today, I don't know, I just want to relax.

I'll do more to post on here more regularly... I'm getting more used to the change of address, which means that I'll feel more like doing things that I enjoy. I wish it didn't take this long to get used to a change... But I'm weird like that! ;~)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ummm... Hi! :~}

OK, I haven't felt like writing anything for a while... At least not since Jamey and I moved back to TN. I'm suffering from some blahs right now, so I don't know when I'll write more. So much for the everyday stuff, huh?

My sister's blog got me motivated to write something... So thank her. :~) I think I've got a job. Yay! It's at Peeble's. I had to take a drug test so I'm assuming that means that they want to hire me! At last my years of watching What Not to Wear has paid off!!! :~D

Well, I'll try to post more later. Maybe I'll even post everyday! :~) I'm not sure yet though. :~)