Friday, October 26, 2007

Ok, where did the time go?

Well, I'm just a little curious as to where all that time I had at the beginning of the year went. My sister just got married, my birthday is long gone and Jamey's is rapidly approaching. All of these events I thought would never get here and now they fly by... Not to mention the fact that everyone tells me it goes by faster as you age! :~O Great!

No, I really don't have all that much to say today... I'm just trying to avoid putting 9 buttonholes in my new shirt that I'm making. I don't mind the buttonholes it's just that there are 9 of them! So far it looks really good and if you could get away with using pins in clothes instead of buttons I know I'd do it! :~) But I got these cute pink buttons at Wal-mart and I might as well use them.

I started my Christmas shopping for my siblings today... No, I'm not telling what they're getting cause I know my little sister reads this. Since my family doesn't do Christmas on the actual day (we do it for New Years) I have a little time. Not to mention the after Christmas sales I can take advantage of! :~) However, I have to start thinking about what to get my new family... That will be just a little harder. As much as he won't like it I'll have to take Jamey shopping with me cause he knows them better than I do... Or at least he's lived with them longer! :~)

I don't know about where my family lives, but we had to turn our heat on for the last couple of days... You see the sun decided to take a vacation and go to Florida, leaving us without sun and the depressing cold. I know I lived in VT where it got cold like this every year... I'm starting to wonder how I made it living there. Maybe I'm just becoming more like my Mom and developing reptilian blood! :~)

I know this is all over the place... But this is the way my brain is, scary isn't it? I don't think I can get out of doing those buttonholes any longer. Tomorrow is a trunk or treat at a near by church. I had the idea that I'd dress up, but I'm not sure any more. If anything I might dress like a 12 year old then maybe I can get some candy!!! :~)